Knuth's Giant Word List
I read part of this piece on Donald Knuth recently, which starts with a story from his youth.
(I would expect that, if you read this blog, you wouldn’t need me to explain who Donald Knuth is.)
There was a candy bar named Ziegler’s Giant Bar, and there was a challenge to find out how many words can be made by that name. A thirteen-year-old Knuth, armed with index cards and a 2000-page dictionary, took a few weeks, calling in “sick” from school, came up with more than 4,700, more than double those the contest officials had.
That sounds fun, doesn’t it?
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state switch };
no warnings qw{ experimental };
my @letters = sort qw{Z I E G L E R S G I A N T B A R};
my %tried; # this avoids going down paths that have already been trod
my %corpus = get_words();
my @corpus = keys %corpus; # this gives us 234371 words
my @words = find_anagrams( \@letters );
say join "\n", @words;
# This looks like a job for Recursion!
sub find_anagrams ( $letters, $word = '' ) {
my @words;
# there are repeated letters and an A is an A, so this
# keeps it from repeating them
return if $tried{$word};
$tried{$word} = 1;
# If there's no word that starts with what we have,
# no hope and skip.
my $d = scalar grep { /^$word/ } @corpus;
return unless $d;
# All the words we have are in a hash, and so, if it's in
# the hash, it's a word
if ( $corpus{$word} ) {
push @words, $word;
# Here we pull one of the letters, like "r", and send the
# array of others, like ["e","c","u","r","s","e"], and add
# "r" to the end of the wordlet, then pass the array and
# the words to see what words we can find, then try again
# with "e", and "c" and ...
for my $i ( 0 .. -1 + scalar $letters->@* ) {
my $local->@* = $letters->@*;
my $next = $word . $local->[$i];
$local->[$i] = '';
$local->@* = grep { /\w/ } $local->@*;
push @words, find_anagrams( $local, $next );
return @words;
# And here we get the words
sub get_words {
my %output;
for my $d ( glob('/usr/share/dict/words') ) {
if ( open my $fh, '<', $d ) {
for my $l (<$fh>) {
chomp $l;
$l =~ s/\s//g;
$output{ uc $l }++;
return %output;
And the word list on that computer is insufficient: starting with A and ending with ZIRIAN, I have 3108 words, a solid 1600 less than Knuth got by hand. Mine went faster, one day rather than two weeks, but clearly, I need better word lists to compete.