Use Proxy: Weekly Challenge #305
Not Modified: Weekly Challenge #304
See Other: Weekly Challenge #303
3^4 * 5*2: Weekly Challenge #302
Auld Lang Comparison: Weekly Challenge #301
Like Tricentennial but for Weeks: Weekly Challenge #300
Semi-Ordered Life: Weekly Challenge #297
Pictures of Matchstick Men: Weekly Challenge #296
Taking A Break From All Your Worries: Weekly Challenge #295
Taking A New Angle: Weekly Challenge #293
Comes A Time: Weekly Challenge #292
The Hands We Are Dealt: Weekly Challenge #291
Two Times Zero is Zero: Weekly Challenge #290
Irregular Use of Regular Expressions: Weekly Challenge #289
Return of the Son of This Looks Like A Job For Recursion!: Weekly Challenge #288
Pawning Things Off: Weekly Challenge #281
Why Is This Interesting? Weekly Challenge #280
Round Here: Weekly Challenge #273
Rows Without A Paddle: Weekly Challenge #271
When A Decision Must Be Made: Weekly Challenge #270
Matter Of Fact, It's All Dark: Weekly Challenge #265
Everything Under The Sun Is In Tune: Weekly Challenge #264
Arrayed Against Me: Weekly Challenge #263
Can You Digit It?: Weekly Challenge #261
13 x 20: Weekly Challenge #260
New Host, Who Dis?
What We Did On Our Bank Holiday: Weekly Challenge #259
Cans of Worms: Benchmarking finding an element in array
No Mental Bandwidth For A Name: Weekly Challenge #258
Note To Self on PAUSE Workflow
A few quick notes on GitHub Actions
Trying GitLens
The Best Things About VS Code Today
Lesser, Inferior, Lower, Junior: Weekly Challenge #257
A Perfect Square Perfectly Squared: Weekly Challenge #256
Preel Weeakly: Weekly Challenge #255
reverse_vowels('Weekly Challenge') eq 'Weekly Challenge': Weekly Challenge #254
This is what Monte Carlo is for!
Pragmatic Bookshelf Brain Teaser
Sunrise and Sunset and Perl
Split String Soup: Weekly Challenge #253
Camelia Goes To Monte Carlo: Weekly Challenge #252
Do You Feel Lucky?: Weekly Challenge #251
Leaping from Tree to Tree as They Float Down the Mighty Rivers of British Columbia: Weekly Challenge #250
I Did: Weekly Challenge #249
Tumbling Down The Rabbit Hole: Weekly Challenge #248
Notes on Guitar Setups
Partridges and Pair Trees: Weekly Challenge #247
Make It Unique: Weekly Challenge #246
Getting Things Sorted: Weekly Challenge #245
We Can Be Heroes, Just For One Day: Weekly Challenge #244
Walking The Floor Over You: Weekly Challenge #243
Like The Deserts Miss The Rain: Weekly Challenge #242
You Can't Touch This!: Weekly Challenge #238
Greatness Thrust Upon Them: Weekly Challenge #237
There Goes My Zero: Weekly Challenge #235
Back By Lack of Demand: Weekly Challenge #234
New New Solutions: Weekly Challenge #231
Two One-Liners and Short Programs: Weekly Challenge #230
Don't Be Sad: Weekly Challenge 29
Get Sum: Weekly Challenge #228
If Sept = Seven, Why is it the Ninth Month?: Weekly Challenge CCXXVII
Shuffle Off To Buffalo: Weekly Challenge #226
Member-ship has its Privileges : Weekly Challenge 222
Give A Little Bit: Weekly Challenge 209
Multi-Status: Weekly Challenge #207
Partial Content: Weekly Challenge 206
Reset Content: Weekly Challenge #205
Non-Authoritative Information: Weekly Challenge #203
Weekly Challenge #202: Challenge Accepted
Bicent-Weekly Solution: Weekly Challenge 200
Mastodon Test
For The Good: The Weekly Challenge 199
Mind The Gap: Weekly Challenge #198
App-ish Requests/Rants
Insert Clever Title Here: Weekly Challenge #196
What To Do About Twitter?
Back In The Saddle: Weekly Challenge #181
This Is Gonna Take FOREVER!: Weekly Challenge #168
Perl vs The World Crime League: Weekly Challenge #167
0x7e57ab1e 0xc0deba5e: Weekly Challenge #166
Windows Terminal is Cool, Actually
Plotting Revenge: Weekly Challenge #165
Shiny Happy Numbers: Weekly Challenge #164
Sum(mation)s: The Weekly Challenge #163
BUNNY + BUNNY = RABBIT: Non-Biological Approaches
Play Fair and By The Book: Weekly Challenge #162
The Lazy Dog Had It Coming: Weekly Challege #161
Does That Make Friendship Equal Four?: Weekly Challenge #160
Benchmarking while() vs for()
Métal Perlant: Weekly Challenge #159
How I Blog:
In Our Primes: Weekly Challenge #158
I Cannot Count To A Brazillian: Weekly Challenge #157
Pernicious and Weird Are The Numbers We Two Can Share: Weekly Challenge #156
I Ain't No Fortunate One: Weekly Challege #155
Be Kind To Future You: Use Verbose Flags in Configuration Files
A Quick One While I Do Other Things: Weekly Challenge #154
Luck is not a Factor!: Weekly Challenge #153
Think Inside The Box: Weekly Challenge #152 Pt. 2
Functional Paths: Weekly Challenge #152 Pt. 1
Dr. Metropolis and His Amazing MANIAC Machine!: The Weekly Challenge #151
Free The Squares!: The Weekly Challenge #150
Weekly Challenge #149 Task 2: The Terror of the Largest Square
Weekly Challenge #149 and A Fix, Maybe, to #148
It's Triplets!: Weekly Challenge #148
Truncations and Pentagons: The Weekly Challenge #147
Fractions, Trees and Primes: Weekly Challenge 146
Terms and Interruptions: Making a Command-Line Analog Clock
Products above Trees?: The Weekly Challenge #145
TIL about Named Capture Groups
Almost Prime and In Sequence: The Weekly Challenge #144
Ninja Numbers Hiding In Trees: The Weekly Challenge #143
Sleep On It: The Weekly Challenge #142
I Like Numbers And Hate Division: The Weekly Challenge #141
Table it? Yes or No?: The Weekly Challenge #140
"Walking on a Wire"
"I Will Replace You With A Small Shell Script"
It's The Mullet Of Algorithms!: The Weekly Challenge #139
I Met A Var That Wasn't There: Return of the Spectre of Unicode in Perl
“Won't SOMEBODY Think Of The Children?!?!?”: The Spectre of Unicode in Perl
I Thank You For The Days: The Weekly Challenge #138
Another View: Binding Myself to Vue.js
2020 Was A LONG Year: The Weekly Challenge #137
The Sequential Friendly Book: The Weekly Challenge #136
You Gotta Look Sharp: Redoing Weekly Challenge 135 in Microsoft's Preferred Language
Middle Digits to Validation: The Weekly Challenge #135
There Has To Be A Better Way!: A Leap Forward in Word Ladder Technology
Weekly Challenge #134 Addendum: JS and Python
There Are Wrong Ways To Skin A Cat: The Weekly Challenge #134
I'm Getting Slightly Closer To Getting This Python Thing
I'm Not Getting This Python Thing
Mr. Smith Squares Off: The Weekly Challenge #133
The Promised Object::Pad Solution to Weekly Challenge #123
Object::Pad and Types? A Learning Experience
Dates(!) and Hashes(?) and Names, Oh My!!: The Weekly Challenge #132
Object::Pad Again! This Time, With Subclassing!
A First Pass at Object::Pad Some More
Consecutive Limits: The Weekly Challenge 131
Odd Trees: (Perl) Weekly Challenge #130
A First Pass at Object::Pad
'List' Ain't Nothin' But 'Tree' Misspelled: The (Perl) Weekly Challenge #129
On the Uses of Javascript
Playing with Vue
MinMaxing Matrix Platforms: The Weekly Challenge 128
Catching Up With New Broadband Methods
Multiple Sets of Interval Training: The Weekly Challenge #127
That One Is Mine: The (Perl and JS) Weekly Challenge #126
Computing the Effect of Advantage
Trees and Triples: The (Perl) Weekly Challenge #125
Can't Think of a Pithy Title: Perl Weekly Challenge #124
As Richard Thompson sang, 'I Misunderstood'
Is this Untestable Code
Ugly and Square: Perl Weekly Challenge #123
Streams and Scores: The Weekly Challenge #121
Bitty Tours: Perl Weekly Challenge #121
Yaas, Queens! Solving the Eight Queens Problem with Recursion
It's About Time: Weekly Challenge #120
One Simple Change: Weekly Challenge #118 Redux
One-to-One and Nybbles: (Perl) Weekly Challenge #119
Knight thginK: Perl Weekly Challenge #118
Perl Challenge 117 Redux: Permutations!
Trees and Rows: Perl Weekly Challenge 117
Hip To Be Square: Perl Weekly Challenge #116
TIL: substr and -1
ABC ACB BAC BCA CAB CBA: Perl Weekly Challenge #115
Escape From The Infinite Loop: Perl Weekly Challenge #114
Insert Clever Title Here: Perl Weekly Challenge #113
One Step Beyond: Perl Weekly Challenge #112
Efficient Ones: Perl Challenge #111
Hanging On The Telephone: Perl Weekly Challenge #110
Iterations and Permutations: Perl Weekly Challenge 109
Hell's Bells, Margaret: Perl Weekly Challenge #108
Self Description Redux: Perl Weekly Challenge 107
Just Got Poked: Perl Weekly Challenge 106 and Other News
Root, Root, bo-Boot: Perl Weekly Challenge 105
FUSCing Tokens: Perl Weekly Challenge 104
The Miserable Metal Ox: Perl Weekly Challenge #013
Rare Numbers and Hash: Perl Challenge #102
Spirals and Triangles: Perl Weekly Challenge #101
Turning Over A New Digit: Perl Weekly Challenge #100
London Patterns: Perl Weekly Challenge #99
Various Positions: Perl Weekly Challenge #98
More Moose Hunting: Singly-Linked List
Binary Substrings and Caesar ciphers: Perl Weekly Challenge 97
[Bullwinkle, Lumpy, Tyrone]: Another Moose Stack
Going The Distance: Perl Weekly Challenge #96
A Stack of Moose: Perl Challenge 95 addendum
[Ada, Bob, Hannah, Nin]: Perl Weekly Challenge 95
Thoughts on Capitol Hill Security as an ex-Intern
Flattened Anagrams: Perl Weekly Challenge #94
Perl Challenge 91: Jumping Numbers and Counting Numbers
Gimme That Long Looming Note And Make It Float
Multiplication and DNA: Perl Weekly Challenge #90
Perl Challenge 89 and the Return of the Son of Overkill
Why Computer-Generated Instrumentals Aren't The Thing
Reconsidering Sudoku: Beyond Brute Force
Thoughts on an If/Else: Perl Challenge 87
Sudoku and Recursion - Perl Weekly Challenge #86
2020 Recount (No, Not That One)
So, I Had A Good Weekend...
Perl Challenge #82
A Hitch with WSL and Perl Challenge 81
Challenge 80
Trapped Bits: Perl Weekly Challenge #79
Twitter's Face Recognition has Issues
A Tale of Two Tweets
Rotating Leaders: Perl Challenge 78
Perl Weekly Challenge - A Job for Iteration
Challenge 76: Word Search and Sum Primes
Perl Weekly Challenge #74
Perl Weekly Challenge #72
Singly: Perl Challenge #71 Redux
Considering Perl on Windows; an Addendum
Perl Weekly Challenge #71: Peaks and Links
Considering Perl on Windows
Perl Weekly Challenge #70
Copious Free Time: A Project Bunny In My Head
Now You Have Two Problems: Explaining Regular Expressions
Perl in Powershell: Today I Learned
Perl and Raku Conference in the Cloud 2020 - Day 1
A Solution and a Half for Perl Weekly Challenge 65
I Think Through Things
Moving a Git repo to 'trunk' - Techniques and Pitfalls
A Controversial Idea
Perl Challenge #64
A Trip To The Highest Point In Indiana
It Is Getting Better, I Tell Myself
It is Wednesday So I Blog
Is HTML a Programming Language? and other Thoughts
Challenge 61: Products and Addresses
HTML is Boring
I am blogging this evening
Challenge 60: Excelling and Varying
More on Linked Lists
A Tale about the New Normal
Today's Events
Challenge 59 - Lists and Binary XOR
Commercial Therapy
Idle Thoughts
Knuth's Giant Word List
Tic-Tac-Toe in Perl: A Review
Another Plague Post
Non-Tech Code Blog
Challenge 57: Mostly Binary Trees
Alerts on the Cheap with Pushover
Challenge 56 - Diff-K and Binary Trees
Knowledge Backfill and the Fat Comma
Using caller() and longmess() to find the Source of your Problems
Challenge #55: Flipping and Waving
Status Report
Permutations and Conjectures
Rotate Your Matrix and String Your Vowels
Minimax, British Coins and Old-School AI in Perl
Overkill VI: The Rust and the Overkill
Perl Challenge #50
Dave Spoils High Fidelity S1
The Future: Not Evenly Distributed
Counting from 100 is the Fun Part
Challenge 45: Cyphers and Quines
Recursion. See also: Recursion
Compiling Perl?
Perl Weekly Challenge #43 - Rings and Self-Description
Review: Until the End of the World (1991)
Dipping Toes into Object Orientation
Captain Perl Joins In?
Words and Dates: Which is more fun?
Sunrise and Sunset in Perl
So Long and Thanks for All the Bits
Perl on WSL - Some Notes
Blogging Challenge 30
Clean up your Perl boilerplate with 'experimental'
Code "Reuse" and Perl Weekly Challenge #29
MAC and Me: How Many MAC Addresses Are On Me Right Now?
Deeper into Getopt::Long - Fixed
Programming Language Meme Deep Dive
Fake Seven-Segment Displays with Perl and SVG
Flags, Switches and Unicode in Perl
Computers Are A Mistake
Scripting the Dropbox API
Scaled Vector Graphics on the Web for Fun and ?
PWC Week 21 - Euler's Constant and Big Numbers
Perl Weekly Challenge - Week 20
Solving Another Math Meme! Or Not!
Five-Weekend Mondays and How Years Work
Do We Need Heaps In Modern Languages?
Playing with Windows Terminal
My Shame
“Sampling” some Code
Thoughts on Perl Weekly Challenge 17
Overkill V: The Last Overkill?
Moving my Resume to Markdown
Dev.To Challenge 10 - Calculator
The Social Experiment of #FollowFriday
Perl Weekly Challenge 015
Drink Coffee, Blog on Challenge 014
TPCiP Day 3
Yeah, about Challenge 13
TPCiP Day 2
TPCiP Day 1
Euclid and Reduce
Common Paths and an issue with postderef?
F == C: I did the math
Two Technical Posts about Temperature, Kinda
Dispatch Tables and doing a LOT of work to stay DRY
References, Dereferences and Perl
Comparing Two Lists
Interesting Abuse (?) of Perl Modules
Ranking in Perl
Finding First Square with Five Distinct Digits, Plus
Finding Perfect Numbers in Perl
Centering Text in Perl
Niven Numbers in Perl and Javascript
Rethinking my Ladder Puzzle Code
Overkill IV: Superset of Kill
Stable Sort and Ways Around It
Recreating Wordpoop
But SHOULD you redirect STDIN?
Converting to and from Base35
FizzBuzz in MySQL
First Things To Learn In A New Language
FizzBuzz One-Liner In Node.js
FizzBuzz One-Liner In Perl
More fun with Javascript Arrays: reimplementing Uniq
Javascript Array(): WAT?
Reminding Myself and Others about DST with Perl
Need to Add to my Problem Alerts
Namespaces and Javascript: I Don't Know What I'm Doing
Pulling FitBit Data via API
Levenshtein, Sørensen–Dice, and Practical Information Theory
Moving Forward with Progressive Web Apps: A Few Technical Challenges
Finding a CGI Replacement
Schwartzian Transforms in Javascript
Perl and CGI
Javascript and JSON.stringify: It Almost Comes Correct
Semiconductors - the Bottom-most Turtle
Adventures in Log-Sitting
Field Notes on Vanilla Javascript and Async/Await with XHR
I Find The Strangest Bugs
The Ethics of Maintenance Code?
Is using vim an antipattern?
Networking, Netmask and Why My Phone Could Not Connect
Use Perl Features: current_sub
Use Perl Features: switch
Use Perl Features: lexical_subs
How I Write Perl: Boilerplate and Signatures
Fun with Subroutine Attributes in Perl
But Why Not INCRON?
Fighting the Bus Factor with Log4Perl
On a:visited
About Time: Finding Solar Noon
Abusing Perl Modules
Downloading Directories with Dropbox via API
My Interaction Rules
Is This Snowflake Code?
What The Perl Conference 2018 Made Me Do
Since that last one was severely without Higher Order code...
Quick Hacks and Higher Order Programming
Something Close To A Framework
HTTP_DNT: '1' - What To Do?
Travelling Salesman Portrait - A Variation
My Blog, My Problems: arrayrefs
Twitter is Weird
How and Why I Track Coffee
Changing Ergonomics of my Keyboard
Python, virtualenv and gcalcli
Asserting Direction on a Directionless Day
Solving A Math Meme!
The Legacy of the Unix Wars is still around us
Moving Forward With Spotify
The Next Hope: The Star Wars Universe after *The Last Jedi* (SPOILERS)
On Non-Zero Offsets
Programming is like Parenting
Not knowing MacOS, I proceeded carefully
So, THAT was a Day
Some Crappy Thoughts on Word Meanings
I've got Red on my Ledger
Seeking an In-Depth Linux-To-Windows Translation
Drawing Grids with Perl and SVG
"Do I Want To Use Windows Subsystem For Linux?"
YouTube URL to Markdown Link
A Really Clever Thing I Wrote
The Last Thing You'd Expect
Roundabout and Fitness Ninjas
Hey! I wrote!
Hey! I bought a Google Home Mini!
Your Toys Can Become Useful
The 'John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt' Error, or will the Real Slim Shady please stand up
No Stupid Questions: Just One Programming Language?
What to do with a web page?
Want Access to Clipboard
Fixing that Windows Update Problem
Today's Fun With Windows!
Notes for the Day
Thoughts on Mounting
Making TaskWarrior Work for Me
IO::Interactive and debugging
No Stupid Questions: Ones and Zeroes
What I Should Do And Learn Going Forward
What's Your Spam Got To Do With Me?
Adding Author to my XML
Have Jekyll and Atom going
No Money, Mo Problems
Working the system
Jekyll; Trying
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