TASK #1 › Rare Numbers

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar
You are given a positive integer $N.

Write a script to generate all Rare numbers of size $N if exists. Please checkout the page for more information about it.

Just as a thing, 00001 is not a number of size 5 because the initial zeroes go away, so we start at 10000. This is figured out with a bit of mappery: join '', map { $_ == 1 ? 1 : 0 } 1 .. $N. And of course, we end with 99999, which is simply 9 x $N.

This is slow because we have to check every value between $low and $high. With $N <= 7, the time taken is negligable, but getting much farther, we start looking at thousands to millions of possible numbers to test. It strikes me that, as an optimization, we test r1, the reversed number, as well as r and next early if we’ve already covered them, but my solution does not currently cover that option. It is also slow because sqrt is so known to be slow that public key encryption is built upon that slowness.

An issue I had to solve before going forward is that sqrt($r-$r1) fails if $r < $r1. Yes, this is exactly where the reversal solution would fit, but eh.

And speaking of reversals, I think this week’s tasks reverse my go-to methodology for these challenges. These don’t look like a job for recursion. I’m pretty sure it would resource-hog and behave terribly and not be better than this iterative take.

Show Me The Code

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state };
no warnings qw{ experimental };

use Carp;

my $i = shift @ARGV;
$i //= 2;
croak 'non-positive integer' if $i < 1;
croak 'not an integer'       if $i =~ /\D/;

say join "\n\t", "RARE NUMBERS: $i", rare_numbers($i), '';

# a number r is "rare" when:
#   - r1 is that number reversed
#   - sqrt(r+r1) is an integer
#   - sqrt(r-r1) is an integer
sub rare_numbers ( $i ) {
    my @output;

    # given i == 5,
    # low is 10000, the smallest five-digit number
    # high is 99999, the highest five-digit number
    my $low  = join '', map { $_ == 1 ? 1 : 0 } 1 .. $i;
    my $high = 9 x $i;

    for my $r ( $low .. $high ) {
        my $r1 = reverse $r;
        next if $r - $r1 < 0;    # early block for thing that break sqrt

        my $s1 = sqrt( $r + $r1 );
        next if $s1 =~ /\D/;     # test if integer

        my $s2 = sqrt( $r - $r1 );
        next if $s2 =~ /\D/;     # test if integer

        push @output, $r;
    return @output;
## for i in {1..9}; do time ./ch-1 $i ; done


real    0m0.039s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.000s

real    0m0.035s
user    0m0.016s
sys     0m0.000s

real    0m0.039s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.031s

real    0m0.039s
user    0m0.000s
sys     0m0.016s

real    0m0.091s
user    0m0.063s
sys     0m0.000s

real    0m0.537s
user    0m0.500s
sys     0m0.031s

real    0m5.383s
user    0m5.281s
sys     0m0.047s

real    1m6.035s
user    1m4.859s
sys     0m0.109s

real    11m15.996s
user    11m6.047s
sys     0m0.984s

TASK #2 › Hash-counting String

Submitted by: Stuart Little
You are given a positive integer $N.

Write a script to produce Hash-counting string of that length.

The definition of a hash-counting string is as follows:

  • the string consists only of digits 0-9 and hashes, ‘#’
  • there are no two consecutive hashes: ‘##’ does not appear in your string
  • the last character is a hash
  • the number immediately preceding each hash (if it exists) is the position of that hash in the string, with the position being counted up from 1

It can be shown that for every positive integer N there is exactly one such length-N string.

The trick here is to look at the always. There’s always a hash at the end. If there’s an always, take care of it first, which means we build from the end. Let’s look at the case of 10. $output starts as the empty string, and $O is copied from $N and is 10.

  • $output = '#' . $output, and is thus #. The length of $output is less than $N (I use $i for $N in my code, and $j for $O), so we also $output = $O . $output. Now $output == '10#', so we make $O 10 - 3, or 7.
  • $output = '#' . $output, and is thus #10#. The length of $output is less than $N, so we also $output = $O . $output. Now $output == '7#10#', and $O == 10 - 5 == 7.
  • $output = '#' . $output, and is thus #7#10#. The length of $output is less than $N, so we also $output = $O . $output. Now $output == '5#7#10#', and $O == 10 - 7 == 3.
  • $output = '#' . $output, and is thus #5#7#10#. The length of $output is less than $N, so we also $output = $O . $output. Now $output == '3#5#7#10#', and $O == 10 - 9 == 1.
  • $output = '#' . $output, and is thus #3#5#7#10#. The length of $output is equal to $N, so stop.

There’s nothing too hard here

Show Me The Code

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw{ postderef say signatures state };
no warnings qw{ experimental };

use Carp;

my $i = shift @ARGV;
$i //= 2;
croak 'non-positive integer' if $i < 1;
croak 'not an integer'       if $i =~ /\D/;

say join "\t", $i, hash_count($i);

sub hash_count( $i ) {
    my $output = '';
    my $j      = $i;
    while ( $j > 0 ) {
        $output = '#' . $output;
        $output = $j . $output if length $output < $i;
        $j = $i - length $output;
    return $output;

I didn’t bother to try to add time to this, because it’s almost instant.

for i in {1..50} ; do ./ch-2.pl $i ; done
1       #
2       2#
3       #3#
4       2#4#
5       #3#5#
6       2#4#6#
7       #3#5#7#
8       2#4#6#8#
9       #3#5#7#9#
10      #3#5#7#10#
11      2#4#6#8#11#
12      #3#5#7#9#12#
13      #3#5#7#10#13#
14      2#4#6#8#11#14#
15      #3#5#7#9#12#15#
16      #3#5#7#10#13#16#
17      2#4#6#8#11#14#17#
18      #3#5#7#9#12#15#18#
19      #3#5#7#10#13#16#19#
20      2#4#6#8#11#14#17#20#
21      #3#5#7#9#12#15#18#21#
22      #3#5#7#10#13#16#19#22#
23      2#4#6#8#11#14#17#20#23#
24      #3#5#7#9#12#15#18#21#24#
25      #3#5#7#10#13#16#19#22#25#
26      2#4#6#8#11#14#17#20#23#26#
27      #3#5#7#9#12#15#18#21#24#27#
28      #3#5#7#10#13#16#19#22#25#28#
29      2#4#6#8#11#14#17#20#23#26#29#
30      #3#5#7#9#12#15#18#21#24#27#30#
31      #3#5#7#10#13#16#19#22#25#28#31#
32      2#4#6#8#11#14#17#20#23#26#29#32#
33      #3#5#7#9#12#15#18#21#24#27#30#33#
34      #3#5#7#10#13#16#19#22#25#28#31#34#
35      2#4#6#8#11#14#17#20#23#26#29#32#35#
36      #3#5#7#9#12#15#18#21#24#27#30#33#36#
37      #3#5#7#10#13#16#19#22#25#28#31#34#37#
38      2#4#6#8#11#14#17#20#23#26#29#32#35#38#
39      #3#5#7#9#12#15#18#21#24#27#30#33#36#39#
40      #3#5#7#10#13#16#19#22#25#28#31#34#37#40#
41      2#4#6#8#11#14#17#20#23#26#29#32#35#38#41#
42      #3#5#7#9#12#15#18#21#24#27#30#33#36#39#42#
43      #3#5#7#10#13#16#19#22#25#28#31#34#37#40#43#
44      2#4#6#8#11#14#17#20#23#26#29#32#35#38#41#44#
45      #3#5#7#9#12#15#18#21#24#27#30#33#36#39#42#45#
46      #3#5#7#10#13#16#19#22#25#28#31#34#37#40#43#46#
47      2#4#6#8#11#14#17#20#23#26#29#32#35#38#41#44#47#
48      #3#5#7#9#12#15#18#21#24#27#30#33#36#39#42#45#48#
49      #3#5#7#10#13#16#19#22#25#28#31#34#37#40#43#46#49#
50      2#4#6#8#11#14#17#20#23#26#29#32#35#38#41#44#47#50#

If you have any questions or comments, I would be glad to hear it. Ask me on Twitter or make an issue on my blog repo.