The Weekly Challenge #146

146 is octahedral.

TASK #1 › 10001st Prime Number

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar

Write a script to generate the 10001st prime number.

There may be more clever ways of finding the next one. A professor I had years ago is big on the hunt for higher and higher primes.

But, for this purpose, for this low a number, the brute force method of checking if each number is prime, and if so, iterating a counter, then ending when the count is up to 10001.

They’re not all jobs for recursion.

Show Me The Code!

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw{ say postderef signatures state };
no warnings qw{ experimental };

my @primes;
my $c = 1;
my $n = 2;

while (1) {
    if ( is_prime($n) ) {
        if ( $c == 10001 ) {
            say join "\t", $c, $n if $c == 10001;

sub is_prime ($n) {
    for ( 2 .. sqrt $n ) { return unless $n % $_ }
    return 1;
10001   104743

TASK #2 › Curious Fraction Tree

Submitted by: Mohammad S Anwar

Consider the following Curious Fraction Tree:

 Curious Fraction Tree

You are given a fraction, member of the tree created similar to the above sample.

Write a script to find out the parent and grandparent of the given member.

We’re given a tree, so I pulled out my old Node code to build the tree. I use the old-school OOP method because it’s portable.

Using Perl’s OOP, if the tree is correct, then each node will have a parent (which could be null), and each parent will have another parent (which could also be null), so we just have to check if $node->parent and $node->parent->parent are defined, and if so, get their value.

Kinda a softball for the first challenge of the year, I think.

I mean, thinking through to find a way to algorithmically create the graph, instead of building it by hand like I do, would be more interesting. The right of a given node is basically 1 + fraction: 1/1, 2/1, 3/1, 4,1, etc. With nodes with a left, it becomes harder but just as simple: 1/2 -> 3/2, 2/3 -> 5/3, etc.

The lefts are more complex. Starting with 1/1, we go to 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, and so on, but when there’s a right, like with 3/2, we go somewhere different, like 3/2. If it was just increment the denominator, you’d get 3/3, which simplifies to 1/1. One more and you get 3/4, but you get 3/4 from 3/1. Instead, it’s 3/5.

I’m sure that the left of 1/4 would be 1/5 and the right would be 5/4, but I’m not nearly as sure what the left and right of 4/3 would be.

Thankfully, that’s not the task.

Show Me The Code!

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw{ say postderef signatures state };
no warnings qw{ experimental };

my %node;
for my $i (
    1/1 1/2 2/1
    1/3 3/2 2/3
    3/1 1/4 4/3
    3/5 5/2 2/5
    5/3 3/4 4/1
    $node{$i} = Node->new($i);

$node{'1/1'}->left( $node{'1/2'} );    # 1
$node{'1/1'}->right( $node{'2/1'} );   # 1

$node{'1/2'}->left( $node{'1/3'} );    # 2
$node{'1/2'}->right( $node{'3/2'} );   # 2

$node{'1/3'}->left( $node{'1/4'} );    # 3
$node{'1/3'}->right( $node{'4/3'} );   # 3

$node{'2/1'}->left( $node{'2/3'} );    # 2
$node{'2/1'}->right( $node{'3/1'} );   # 2

$node{'2/3'}->left( $node{'2/5'} );    # 3
$node{'2/3'}->right( $node{'5/3'} );   # 3

$node{'3/1'}->left( $node{'3/4'} );    # 3
$node{'3/1'}->right( $node{'4/1'} );   # 3

$node{'3/2'}->left( $node{'3/5'} );    # 3
$node{'3/2'}->right( $node{'5/2'} );   # 3

# maybe I should check to see if $node{$n}
# is defined as well. eh?
for my $n ( sort keys %node ) {
    my $node        = $node{$n};
    my $parent      = '';
    my $grandparent = '';
    if ( defined $node->parent ) {
        $parent = $node->parent->value;
        if ( defined $node->parent->parent ) {
            $grandparent = $node->parent->parent->value;
    say <<"END";
    INPUT: \$member = "$n"
    OUTPUT: parent = "$parent" and grandparent = "$grandparent"

package Node;

sub new ( $class, $value = 0 ) {
    my $self = {};
    $self->{value}      = $value;
    $self->{left}       = undef;
    $self->{right}      = undef;
    $self->{horizontal} = undef;
    $self->{parent}     = undef;
    return bless $self, $class;

sub value ( $self, $value = undef ) {
    if ( defined $value ) {
        $self->{value} = $value;
    else {
        return $self->{value};

sub is_root ( $self ) {
    return defined $self->{parent} ? 0 : 1;

sub is_leaf ( $self ) {
    return ( !defined $self->{left} && !defined $self->{right} )
        ? 1
        : 0;

sub left ( $self, $node = undef ) {
    if ( defined $node ) {
        $self->{left}   = $node;
        $node->{parent} = $self;
    else {
        return $self->{left};

sub right ( $self, $node = undef ) {
    if ( defined $node ) {
        $self->{right}  = $node;
        $node->{parent} = $self;
    else {
        return $self->{right};

sub horizontal ( $self, $node = undef ) {
    if ( defined $node ) {
        $self->{horizontal} = $node;
        $node->{parent}     = $self;
    else {
        return $self->{horizontal};

sub parent ($self ) {
    return $self->{parent};
 $ ./
    INPUT: $member = "1/1"
    OUTPUT: parent = "" and grandparent = ""

    INPUT: $member = "1/2"
    OUTPUT: parent = "1/1" and grandparent = ""

    INPUT: $member = "1/3"
    OUTPUT: parent = "1/2" and grandparent = "1/1"

    INPUT: $member = "1/4"
    OUTPUT: parent = "1/3" and grandparent = "1/2"

    INPUT: $member = "2/1"
    OUTPUT: parent = "1/1" and grandparent = ""

    INPUT: $member = "2/3"
    OUTPUT: parent = "2/1" and grandparent = "1/1"

    INPUT: $member = "2/5"
    OUTPUT: parent = "2/3" and grandparent = "2/1"

    INPUT: $member = "3/1"
    OUTPUT: parent = "2/1" and grandparent = "1/1"

    INPUT: $member = "3/2"
    OUTPUT: parent = "1/2" and grandparent = "1/1"

    INPUT: $member = "3/4"
    OUTPUT: parent = "3/1" and grandparent = "2/1"

    INPUT: $member = "3/5"
    OUTPUT: parent = "3/2" and grandparent = "1/2"

    INPUT: $member = "4/1"
    OUTPUT: parent = "3/1" and grandparent = "2/1"

    INPUT: $member = "4/3"
    OUTPUT: parent = "1/3" and grandparent = "1/2"

    INPUT: $member = "5/2"
    OUTPUT: parent = "3/2" and grandparent = "1/2"

    INPUT: $member = "5/3"
    OUTPUT: parent = "2/3" and grandparent = "2/1"

If you have any questions or comments, I would be glad to hear it. Ask me on Twitter or make an issue on my blog repo.